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Full Portfolio 

A complete demonstration what can be done by creative3d

Portrait photography:  personnal portrait, family photo, editorial portrait for publishing advertising and websites.

Corporate portrait:  business people, work team and staff, adminstration boards, annual report, business portfolio of the people in the partners and associates in your company.

Event photography:  conferences, conventions, launching, concerts, shows, documentary photographs of exhibitions, festivals, weddings, graduations, anniversaries, competitions, demonstrations, tournements.

Artists and public figures:  Album cover, posters, presse photos, artistic productions, web sites, blogues and calendors.

Architectural and commercial photography:  architecture, real estate, service or product advertising campaigns, business portfolios, theater and movie set photography,

Beauty and fashion photography:  model and casting portfolios for actors, musicians, artists.


Fashion photography highlights clothing and other fashion products in exciting and memorable ways. Fashion photographers work closely with models and fashion designers to conceptualize and shoot photos that showcase fashions as effectively as possible. Photography for fashion magazines, catalogs, advertising agencies or fashion houses. 
Professional food photographers work alongside food stylists to create images of food for use in advertising, menus, cookbooks and other print and online media. We have an eye for what makes food look appetizing and appealing. We are a great deal for assignments.




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